The organizers of the Nutrition Conference came to visit and experience Kim Long Phat’s hydrogen-rich gas and water generation products

On July 30, 2022, the 10th HCMC Open Nutrition Conference was held with over 300 leading experts and doctors in the health and food industries. During the conference break, the conference organizers visited and experienced Kim Long Phat’s hydrogen-rich gas and water generators

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Kim Long Phat is very honored to be visited by the organizers. The gas and hydrogen-rich water production lines, as well as the alkaline water production lines, are streamlined with a variety of contemporary models. The components of the products, which are 100% imported from Japan, are non-toxic, secure for human use, and free from unfavorable side effects.

According to Ms. Pham Bui Cam Doan, Commercial Director of Kim Long Phat, shared with the organizers that: the utilization of hydrogen-rich water and gas will be a global trend that is practiced by advanced and developed countries. With antioxidant, beautifying, and healing effects, hydrogen-rich water and gas are a lifesaver for patients in hospitals.

The organizers highly appreciated Kim Long Phat’s pavilion and were very satisfied with the quality of the water source.