Sharing From Japanese Experts About the Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water generator and pure hydrogen gas have quickly received attention from users in the Vietnamese market. Two prominent names mentioned are Lourdes Hydrofix and Bambi. The following are the sharing of experts in Japan, who are also representatives from the leading Hydrogen manufacturer in Japan about the benefits of Hydrogen in drinking and inhalation for our health.

1. Introduction to the application of Hydrogen in life

In Japan, many people are drinking hydrogen water and inhaling hydrogen gas. Every gym has a hydrogen water generator and many hospitals are using hydrogen as a medical therapy to help support effective disease treatment.

Hydrogen first attracted attention in 2007.

That’s when the results of a clinical trial led by a Japanese university professor and his colleagues conducted a study on “Hydrogen acts as an antioxidant by selectively reducing toxic oxygen radicals” is published in Nature Medicine, one of the most prestigious academic journals in the world.

Since then, Hydrogen has been studied by many medical institutions and scholars and has also conducted numerous clinical trials.

2. Why Hydrogen is good for improving health and disease?

To understand this, we first need to know about the properties of hydrogen and how it works in the body.

Many studies suggest that more than 70% of diseases are caused by reactive oxygen species and the aging process depends on the influence of these reactive oxygen species. There are many substances that can remove reactive oxygen species, such as vitamin C, lycopene, and catechins, but hydrogen is a special one among them because of its “selective binding” property.

Reactive oxygen species can be divided into two groups: radical and non-radical groups. The first type was formerly known as reactive oxygen species and causes oxidation in the body. The latter are called reactive oxygen species and they perform good functions in the body, such as neurotransmitters.

There are several types in both bad and good reactive oxygen and the oxidizing capacity of bad reactive oxygen species in particular is different depending on its type. The selective binding of hydrogen is the property of removing only the bad reactive oxygen species, but not the good reactive oxygen species. And unlike other antioxidants, Hydrogen can remove all kinds of bad reactive oxygen.

Another special property is that Hydrogen is the smallest molecule on earth. This means it can easily penetrate, penetrate deep into the body, and diffuse rapidly into tissues and cell membranes. With these two properties, Hydrogen can protect cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species and thereby improve the functioning of cells in the body.

This activity of hydrogen can cross the blood-brain barrier and extend to the brain. It also has other effects such as improving capillary blood flow, revitalizing capillaries that don’t have blood flowing through them, and stopping inflammation.

3. The top methods often used to add Hydrogen to the body.

Basically, we have 2 methods for hydrogen supplement for the body: drinking hydrogen water and inhaling hydrogen gas.

The difference between drinking hydrogen water and inhaling hydrogen gas can be said to be: Hydrogen water has the effect of improving disease, while breathing hydrogen gas has the effect of preventing disease.

Besides, showering with hydrogen water and using a hydrogen gas mask are also two methods used for effective beauty care. Use a sufficient amount of Hydrogen water to clean the skin, support hydration to make the skin softer, thanks to the antioxidant power of Hydrogen-rich water.

However, with this method we can hardly control the amount of Hydrogen in the water, but it directly affects the skin. A great plus point from the Lourdes Hydrofix machine is that we can combine relaxing breathing with a hydrogen mask to have a healthy, smooth and vibrant skin. To understand about the benefits of Hydrogen water, let’s find out in-depth with the experts in the next sections below!

3.1. The benefits of drinking hydrogen water are shared by experts

Inflammation is known to be the root of all diseases. So when we drink hydrogen water, the hydrogen will be transported in the blood and act on different cells, improving blood flow in the capillaries and inhibiting inflammation.

Drinking hydrogen water has been shown to be effective against more than 150 different diseases through animal and cell experiments. Clinical trials on humans have proven its effectiveness in improving 16 different diseases: Parkinson’s disease, Cerebrovascular accident (brain stem area), Pain, Wrinkles, Pressure ulcers, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, Mitochondrial Disease, Kidney Failure, Chronic Hepatitis B, Platelet Aggregation, Vascular Endothelial Dilation, Muscle Fatigue, Lower pH in Body Fluids after Exercise , Side effects of radiation therapy.

In addition, hydrogen can increase blood flow in the capillaries of the lungs, thereby increasing oxygen uptake and over-immunosuppressing to stimuli acting on the body from outside. Besides, with the electrolysis mechanism while creating Hydrogen gas in the water, at this time the pH increases to create slightly alkaline water (pH = 8.0), thereby helping to neutralize excess acids, balance by an acid-alkaline environment, bringing the body back to its natural balance. Thanks to this property, hydrogen water helps prevent and support the treatment of many diseases related to excess acid such as: Gout, stomach pain, acid reflux, digestive disorders, …

Don’t think that all hydrogen water or hydrogen gas created have the same effect This is because the concentration of dissolved hydrogen in hydrogen water and the amount of hydrogen in the inhaled hydrogen gas are different.

In addition, hydrogen supplement will energize and recharge cells, helping to absorb nutrients and remove waste more efficiently, all of which contribute to reversing the aging process. Therefore, it will help you improve and rejuvenate your skin effectively.

We are advised to drink Hydrogen water that is taken directly from the Hydrogen water generator (Fresh Hydrogen) to ensure the valuable health benefits of Hydrogen water.

Drinking Hydrogen water as soon as you wake up helps to hydrate the organs after a long night.

Drinking Hydrogen water when doing exercise and sports supports the body’s remineralization.

For hydrogen water, most human clinical trials have used hydrogen water with dissolved hydrogen concentrations between 1.1-1.6ppm.

So, to get the benefits of hydrogen water, you need to drink hydrogen water with a dissolved hydrogen concentration of 1.1-1.6 ppm. Hydrogen inhalation is approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as “Advanced Medical Treatment B” and is used in many hospitals, universities and ambulances.

3.2. The benefits of Hydrogen inhalation therapy shared by Japanese experts

Hydrogen inhalation is used to protect the organs and brain from situations where reactive oxygen species enter the body, such as cardiopulmonary arrest or during surgery. In the case of hydrogen inhalation, it has been confirmed to inhibit brain death during cardiopulmonary arrest and reduce organ damage caused by oxidative stress during surgery.

Hydrogen inhalation has not been through many clinical trials for common ailments, but experiments with Lourdes Hydrofix, an application of these gases, have confirmed that it can help improve memory and prevent dementia.

Recently, Hydrogen has also been confirmed that it is effective in preventing pneumonia. When the lungs are damaged by viruses or reactive oxygen species, they become fibrosis and emphysema, and respiratory functions decline. Hydrogen has been shown to improve both of these conditions.

Studies also confirm that after 30 minutes of inhaling hydrogen gas, the peripheral body temperature increases by more than 5 degrees Celsius. This is because the action of hydrogen improves blood flow in the capillaries, so we can found that it can improve symptoms caused by poor blood flow.

Symptoms of poor blood flow include: decreased immunity, stiff shoulders, stiff neck, back pain, sensitivity to cold temperatures, cold hands and feet, rough skin, constipation, hair loss, decreased metabolism basic, physical fatigue, eye strain, diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility, dementia and depression.

In the case of hydrogen inhalation, 1.3-2.0% hydrogen gas is used for human respiration in cardiac arrest. This is converted to about 130ml-200ml of hydrogen gas per minute.

During cardiac arrest or surgery, the amount of reactive oxygen in the body is 8 times higher than normal, so in daily life, inhaling more than 25ml of hydrogen gas per minute will help reduce oxidative stress. Research experts say that Hydrogen gas can exist in the environment at room temperature for about 48 hours

4. Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition, Bambi – Japan’s leading brand of Hydrogen water generator has been present in Vietnam.

When we are stressed, when the brain is tired from hard work, when you lack sleep or when you want to maintain beauty, you can use Hydrogen inhalation therapy to improve the above conditions safely.

In the Japanese market, Hydrogen water and gas generators branded Lourdes Hydrofix and Bambi are widely sold and voted by many consumers. This is a product that makes it easy for you to drink hydrogen water, inhale hydrogen gas and beautify skin at home.

In order for domestic and foreign customers to easily access products, H2 Factory Company and Kim Long Phat Corporation Joint Stock Company (Vietnam) cooperated with the desire to bring high quality products to customers.

With the above information shared from experts in Japan, Kim Long Phat hopes to help people better understand the benefits that come from drinking Hydrogen water every day. Don’t forget to share the amazing uses of hydrogen rich water with everyone to create a future where people around the world can be healthier and more beautiful.

H2 Factory INC is known as the leading Japanese company specializing in researching and manufacturing Hydrogen-rich water & pure Hydrogen gas generator.

H2 Factory INC. established in October 2015, headquartered in Japan. H2 Factory does not stop at providing products in the domestic market, but also expands to other regions around the world with the goal of bringing good water to everyone.

H2 Factory INC currently has 2 exclusive product distributors, which are:

+ Company HOLY HYDROGEN (USA) distributes products exclusively in Europe, America and Oceania.

+ Kim Long Phat Corporation Joint Stock Company (Vietnam) distributes products exclusively in Southeast Asia.

5. Kim Long Phat is the exclusive distributor of H2 Factory in Southeast Asia

Kim Long Phat Group Joint Stock Company is pleased to be the exclusive distributor of H2 Factory INC – Japan’s Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition Hydrogen water generator & BAMBI portable Hydrogen water dispenser of H2 Factory INC – Japan in Southeast Asia market.

Kim Long Phat is committed to providing customers with genuine products, 100% imported from H2 Factory INC. With the motto of putting customers first, Kim Long Phat ensures to always provide customers with the best services:

+ Competitive prices nationwide.

+ Clear warranty and maintenance policy.

+ 300% refund if detecting fake goods, fake goods, fake components.

+ 0% installment support – Quick and secure review

+ Free delivery within the city

+ Professional installation and design

+ Staffs are trained and knowledgeable about Hydrogen water generators.

+ Enthusiastic consulting team ready to answer customers’ questions.

For more details information, please contact:


Showroom 1: 228 Street III, Khang Dien Residential Area, Phuoc Long B Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Showroom 2: Court S1.01 – 05.01. Shophouse S01 – Vinhomes Grand Park – 200 Nguyen Xien, Long Thanh My Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

Showroom 3: 370 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 11, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City.

Showroom 4: 98 Lane 24 Kim Dong, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi

Showroom 5: 99, Tay Son, Tan Thanh ward, City. Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak

Hotline: 028 2253 5834

Order online: 0888 214 839

