Perspectives of Alkaline Ionized water & Hydrogen-rich water

Nowadays, alkaline water and hydrogen water products are becoming increasingly popular. They are widely consumed – and even used as part of some medical treatments in some countries. As a result, more and more people are becoming aware of these new products that are said to have natural health-promoting effects.

Why are there questions about these issues?

Through the following article, Kim Long Phat will help people better understand the choice between the two product lines in the current new era. Both have different benefits and have been shown to benefit the body. 

Hydrogen (H2) is the most common molecule in the universe. Hydrogen has the smallest molecular mass. Because of this unique property, some researchers have hypothesized that it can enter organs and cells in the body (including the brain). Hydrogen is an ative antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.

While alkaline water helps restore the body to its best working condition, hydrogen water provides antioxidant and restorative effects.

Alkaline ionized water and Hydrogen water have both been shown to promote health and prevent future health problems.

What’s so special about these waters? It can be difficult to discern the hype from the evidence. Is hydrogen water more common? Does alkaline water offer more obvious benefits? That can certainly be confusing if you’re trying to find the best ways to take care of yourself and your family, when there’s so much confusing and contradictory information out there! That’s why a one-size-fits-all approach is the right way to go.

1. Hydrogen water

Hydrogen water – water containing dissolved H2 molecules – reduces oxidation reactions. It helps fight inflammation, healthy skin, relieves pain and promotes healthy blood circulation. 

It called “Shin’nooru” in Japan, hydrogen-infused saline IVs have also been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health for medical use. This medicine is used (on its own or in combination with other medicines) to treat everything from a mild illness such as dehydration to more serious conditions.

Hydrogen water is created through a process that pushes more hydrogen particles into the water, so it contains a higher percentage of this basic element than the average water that comes out of the faucet.

2. Alkaline Ionized water (Kangen water)

Alkaline water is said to slow the aging process, boost energy, regulate pH levels, and prevent disease. This water is less acidic than tap water and helps you maintain an alkaline diet.

Alkaline water is treated to have a pH number higher than 7.0 (Seven). Tap water usually has a neutral pH, while some bottled mineral water can be slightly alkaline or slightly acidic. However, alkaline water is intentionally made alkaline enough to have a positive effect on the body. If you don’t get kidney problems, you may want to try alkaline water. 

Read on to learn more about how alkaline and hydrogen water can benefit your health:

Learn more about some of the benefits of alkaline water and hydrogen water

Alkaline water

Hydrogen water

Improves Hydration – Alkaline water lowers plasma osmolality – i.e. how much water is reabsorbed into the blood. This helps maintain hydration levels, and is thought to significantly reduce the risk of stroke.Hydrogen water eliminates bad free radicals – chemicals that are abundant in the environment and have been linked to premature aging, inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease and some forms of cancer.
Increase Performance & Reduce Fatigue – The byproduct of exercise is acid lactic. That’s why you feel sore or cramped after an intensive workout. Alkaline water helps your body reduce that acid and relieves fatigue and muscle soreness. It also helps improve performance while reducing the side effects of heavier exercise.Lowering blood pressure even by a small amount of Hydrogen can reduce the risk of heart attacks, migraines, or chronic fatigue among other ailments. Hydrogen-rich water causes your blood cells to naturally repel each other. This lowers blood pressure because red blood cells are naturally pushed apart.
Rich in Minerals – Alkaline water is naturally rich in compounds like calcium, potassium, silica, and bicarbonate. Calcium strengthens your bones. Potassium aids digestion and boosts energy levels. Silica helps detoxify, keeping your nails and hair healthy. Finally, bicarbonate helps to reduce acid levels which helps in quick muscle recovery after a workout.Promotes healthy blood circulation – Better blood circulation means higher energy levels and mobility in your body. Hydrogen-charged blood particles naturally antagonize each other, resulting in smoother blood flow. Better circulation can reduce the risk of migraines as well as diseases like cancer.
Improves intestine health – Ionized water has a positive antioxidant ability. In short, cellular oxidation allows dangerous bacteria to form in your internal organs. By changing to an alkaline diet, you can reduce your risk of serious organ diseases. An alkaline diet can be difficult to maintain, so adding alkaline water is an easy way to achieve that goal.Detoxification – Drinking hydrogen water regularly helps your blood cells transport toxins to the liver and kidneys, where it can be processed. Eliminate toxins in the body quickly, keep skin healthy and reduce wrinkles. Anti-aging remedies really work when they are treated from the inside as well as the outside.
Disinfectant – Alkaline water has disinfectant properties that can protect the body from unwanted microorganisms.Rich in Antioxidants – Hydrogen water has antioxidant properties, which means it can fight signs of disease internally and prevent signs of aging from the outside. A Japanese study (from the Journal of Biochemistry and Optics) demonstrated that 6 subjects bathed in hydrogen-rich water every day for 3 months, had a significant improvement in neck wrinkles compared to a control group.
Resistant to chemical by-products – Alkaline water is said to be able to counteract the effects of some of the harmful chemical byproducts caused by chemically treating tap water.Sun protection – The antioxidant effects of hydrogen water mean it can help prevent sun damage, specific sun spots and potential cancers associated with UV exposure. In another study from the same Japanese publication, UV-damaged human fibroblasts (sun-damaged skin cells) increased collagen production by 2 times after immersion in hydrogen water for 3 days.
Reduces Risk of Diabetes – A study done on rats found that alkaline water reduced the rate of glycation (the unstable process of sugar processing in the body) in a way that may reduce the risk of diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease.Promotes good health – Hydrogen is an element that is the creator of all life – drinking hydrogen water is believed to promote healthy cellular structures throughout the body.
Improved athletic performance – A healthy diet and lifestyle often leads to higher alkalinity. Alkaline water is especially beneficial for athletes and active people. It is believed to be able to enhance the body’s buffering capacity and moderate acidity, leading to improved athletic performance. Long-distance runners are known to supplement with sodium bicarbonate for this reason.Boosts Energy – Dr. Perricone conducted a study of 20 people in which he measured energy changes in skin cells after people drank 16 ounces of Dr. Perricone’s Hydrogen water. He found that those who drank it seemed to have increased the activity of enzymes responsible for the production of cellular energy. According to him, hydrogen water helps improve energy levels, which seems to affect both the muscles and the brain.
Protects the body – The body has mechanisms that allow it to control its own pH, so as not to become too acidic – but it can use the reserves in the bones and muscles to do so. Drinking alkaline water helps protect your bones and muscles. This is because your body doesn’t have to work too hard.Boosts Collagen Production – Hydrogen is known to promote collagen production. Collagen is clearly recognized for the elasticity it provides to the skin – and it also slows down wrinkle formation. Collagen support will also help other structures in the body, such as joints and ligaments function will act properly in old age.

3. Kim Long Phat – The Exclusive Distributor of H2 Factory INC in Asia

Kim Long Phat is currently the exclusive distributor of H2 FACTORY INC throughout Asia. In addition to the exclusive official distribution of H2 FACTORY INC., Kim Long Phat is also the leading center of alkaline ionized water in Vietnam. The year of  2020 marks a big turning point for Kim Long Phat. We will try to improve our services and knowledge to bring customers unique experiences at Kim Long Phat.

Let Kim Long Phat take care of you and your family’s health. Bringing people quality products for health care is Kim Long Phat’s top desire. Not only that, we always strive to bring people the best value. As a business operating in the market for many years. Therefore, prestige comes first and Kim Long Phat always commits to:

  • Competitive prices nationwide – Putting customer interests first
  • Genuine products have enough CO (Certificate of Origin), CQ (Certificate of Quality), import invoices and other certificates from the manufacturer.
  • 300% refund if detecting fake goods, counterfeit, fake components. 
  • Genuine products – Take prestige as the motto of business
  • 0% installment support – Fast and secure approve
  • Free delivery within the inner city – Professional installation and design
  • Experienced customer service and technical team. 

Please contact us for more details:


Distribution center for hydrogen-rich gas and water generators – Asia’s No.1 alkaline ionized water filter


Address: 220-228 Road III, Khang Dien Residential Area, Phuoc Long B Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Address: 15B Thanh Nhan Street, Quynh Mai Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (Parking area in front of our store)

Hotline: (+84) 28 2253 5834

