The Truth of Hydrogen water

It can be said that by this 5th generation stage, people must have gradually become interested in modern smart water filter products. However, the product mentioned here is not alkaline ionized water anymore, it is Hydrogen-rich drinking water.

However, what is Hydrogen water and to better understand Hydrogen-rich water, Kim Long Phat will help people better analyze the above problem.

I. What is Hydrogen?

Hydro, also known as Hydrogen (in English) is the lightest molecule in nature, accounting for only about 0.5 parts per million (ppm) of all gases. It can penetrate deep into the body, diffuse rapidly into tissues and cell membranes. 

Since hydrogen has antioxidant activity and can prevent inflammation, H2 has potential for clinical use against many diseases.

Therefore, choosing to supplement Hydrogen for the body is one of the top medical therapies for many people not only in Japan in particular but also around the world.

II. What is Hydrogen-water?

Ordinary drinking water is added hydrogen, which is essential for life and is present in nearly all molecules in living organisms. The element also occurs in stars and powers the universe through the proton-proton reaction and the carbon-nitrogen cycle.

Inhalation or supplementation of hydrogen-rich drinking water aids in ameliorating the effects of oxidative stress in animals and humans.

Hydrogen water is made by bubbling pure hydrogen gas into water, or by using electrolysis, which “breaks water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas.” Since molecular hydrogen is an odorless, tasteless gas, it has no taste or smell that is different from regular water.

III. Studies on Hydrogen in the prevention and treatment of diseases

Hydrogen has antioxidant activity and may prevent inflammation. 

A study conducted by a group of Japanese researchers in 2017 looked at how hydrogen-rich water can be used to help improve mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in everyday life  by exploring its impact on 26 volunteers over a month. The data found no negative side effects among the participants.

The study concluded, “The use of hydrogen-rich water for 4 weeks in adult volunteers improved mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function, suggesting that HRW use may provide an effective method to enhance quality of life and maintain good health”.

While some studies appear promising and no disease effects from hydrogen water consumption have been reported, many researchers and nutritionists agree that further, larger-scale experiments are needed to get more accurate results.

IV. Applications of Hydrogen in prevention and treatment

Hydrogen has a positive effect on our health, so the addition of hydrogen to the body is one of the remarkable measures. Kim Long Phat will suggest users some therapies as follows:

1. Drinking Hydrogen-rich water

The addition of hydrogen-rich drinking water is the fastest, safe and highly effective therapy.

So how can this Hydrogen-rich water be found and how is it added to the body?

Currently on the market there are many hydrogen generators and through creating Hydrogen water every day we will add Hydrogen – very high antioxidant properties to the body by drinking water daily.

2. Inhaling Pure Hydrogen Gas

By inhaling pure hydrogen gas. Hydrogen inhalation improves lung function and protects the airway inflammation that has been established in a mouse of allergic asthma, which may be related to the inhibition of oxidative stress. This study provides a potential alternative treatment opportunity for the clinical management of asthma.

Inhaling hydrogen gas is a simple treatment. Hydrogen gas can be inhaled by delivering hydrogen through a ventilator, mask, or nasal cannula. Since inhaled hydrogen gas acts more rapidly, it may be suitable for protection against acute oxidative stress. In particular, inhaling Hydrogen gas does not affect blood pressure, increased blood pressure due to infusion can cause serious obstacles in the treatment of myocardial infarction. Hydrogen gas does not present an explosion hazard in air and in pure oxygen when present at concentrations <4%. However, safety may be a concern and the desired concentration of H2 must be monitored and maintained with an approved and commercially available instrument.

3. Injecting Saline Liquid 

Hydrogen is effective against oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis-induced tissue damage, and is beneficial in many diseases. The application of saline containing therapeutic doses of hydrogen (hydrogen-rich saline) is a useful method for delivering molecular hydrogen.

Antioxidant hydrogen-rich saline has therapeutic potential in renal injury due to unilateral ureteral obstruction in rats.

V. Hydrogen-generating products

1. Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition Hydrogen water & gas generator

Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition Hydrogen water & gas generator has the ability to create hydrogen-rich drinking water  and pure Hydrogen gas to support health improvement and anti-aging for the body. 

This is a product that is widely used in Japan and is receiving much attention from Vietnamese consumers thanks to its special structure as well as the great benefits it brings to health.

1.1. The Use of the machine

Drinking hydrogen water helps to keep the body healthy. Currently, there are many reports and scientific studies talking about the effects of drinking Hydrogen water.

In addition, supplementing hydrogen water while exercising helps to increase the ability to remove toxins from the body, improving exercise performance.

Inhaling hydrogen gas helps us absorb large amounts of hydrogen molecules  in a short period of time. Providing hydrogen by inhalation of hydrogen gas is good for the elderly and people with dyslexia.

Inhalation helps support illnesses such as trauma, acute disorders and serious illnesses such as: cardiac arrest, stroke, heart attack or traumatic brain injury. In addition, daily inhalation of 1~4% Hydrogen gas for 1 hour/day helps support the body against diseases.

1.2. The Benefits of Hydrogen to Health

Drinking hydrogen-rich water every day not only helps to hydrate the body but also helps prevent disease. Hydrogen water benefits have been recognized in many developed countries around the world such as Japan, USA, Korea, etc. 

In the field of medicine, Hydrogen is considered an excellent safe prevention and treatment method to help bring about good health for people. Here are a few outstanding uses of hydrogen water.

1.2.1. Helps reduce lung damage in patients in critical condition

Patients with heart or lung disease need concentrated oxygen to help them breathe more easily. However, long-term use of concentrated oxygen can cause severe lung damage, more dangerously leading to respiratory failure. Therefore, the Pittsburgh scientists hypothesized that hydrogen supplementation has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce damage caused by prolonged exposure to concentrated oxygen.

1.2.2. Improve symptoms caused by Coronavirus

A study in mice showed that hydrogen helped reduce blood clots and improve lung flooding caused by the coronavirus. 

Improve Parkinson’s syndrome: using hydrogen for 48 weeks improves the condition of the disease.

Improve chronic diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular, kidney, liver, etc. 

Reduce Stress and Anxiety 

In addition, hydrogen also has many functions such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, promoting cell metabolism.

Compare the hydrogen content of the Hydrofix machine and the Izumio water bag. 

For Hydrofix machines, you only need to invest once, but the use time is up to 20 years. 

At the same time, you can also create fresh hydrogen-rich water with each drink to enhance the effect of hydrogen on the body. With the compact design of the machine, you can easily move or carry it when traveling or working. 

2. Bambi Portable Hydrogen water generator

This is also one of the products that users love. The product can produce hydrogen water with high efficiency, safety and assurance by using original technology and the highest grade parts made in Japan. 

Japan’s Bambi Portable hydrogen water generator with the feature of creating hydrogen-rich water from ordinary water has the effect of beauty and sustainable resistance enhancement. With a monolithic, sophisticated design, making the owner more stylish and classy.

With an impressive design, Bambi has attracted the attention of users. The compactness and convenience of Bambi have made it more and more widely used. 

Bambi with small size but quite high performance. Using technology to remove impurities except Hydrogen. All machine parts used are top grade materials made in Japan. Electrode plates are manufactured  in Sabae City, Fukui Province.

2.1. Compact design, high performance

Bambi Portable hydrogen water generator creates fresh, fast hydrogen water and can be used to drink directly. Elegant and luxurious design, combined with a compact electrolytic cell, with a maximum volume of one time of electrolysis is 200 ml.

Bambi can produce hydrogen water with a dissolved hydrogen concentration of 1.4 ppm and higher within 10 minutes. Its dissolved hydrogen concentration is comparable to expensive hydrogen water generators.

The electrolytic cells are processed in Sabae City, Fukui Province. Non-hydrogen impurity removal technology. Therefore, the Hydrogen water created from the Bambi Portable hydrogen water generator has a high dissolved hydrogen concentration and is safe for daily drinking.

VI. Where should I buy a Hydrogen-rich water generator?

Today, with the development and popularity of Hydrogen water because of the effects of healthy drinking water, the risk of counterfeit and fake goods has also increased, causing many concerns for choosing which genuine hydrogen water generator is safe for human health.

Understanding and meeting the needs of customers, we can use Hydrogen water generators. Facing the current situation of water sources, the need to use clean water sources, especially Hydrogen water to support health protection is increasingly focused.

As we all know, the Hydrogen molecule is an unstable element, the concentration of Hydrogen decreases over time. For more convenience, we can use a hydrogen water generator (create fresh hydrogen water) to drink directly for the whole family. Or we can use a portable Hydrogen water generator, which is more convenient and always ensures the best quality when using it. 

Therefore, more and more businesses were established to provide hydrogen water generators on the market. To be assured of product quality as well as price, consumers should go to large centers and agents to distribute genuine electrolyte water purifiers with full CE and CQ.

Kim Long Phat is currently the exclusive distributor of H2 FACTORY INC throughout Asia. In addition to the exclusive official distribution of H2 FACTORY INC., Kim Long Phat is also the leading center of alkaline ionized water in Vietnam.

The year of  2020 marks a big turning point for Kim Long Phat. We will try to improve our services and knowledge to bring customers unique experiences at Kim Long Phat.

Let Kim Long Phat take care of you and your family’s health. Bringing people quality products for health care is Kim Long Phat’s top desire. Not only that, we always strive to bring people the best value.

As a business operating in the market for many years. Therefore, prestige comes first and Kim Long Phat always commits to:

  • Competitive prices nationwide – Putting customer interests first
  • Genuine products have enough CO (Certificate of Origin), CQ (Certificate of Quality), import invoices and other certificates from the manufacturer.
  • 300% refund if detecting fake goods, counterfeit, fake components. 
  • Genuine products – Take prestige as the motto of business
  • 0% installment support – Fast and secure approve
  • Free delivery within the inner city – Professional installation and design
  • Experienced customer service and technical team. 

Please contact us for more details:


Distribution center for hydrogen-rich gas and water generators – Asia’s No.1 alkaline ionized water filter


Address: 220-228 Road III, Khang Dien Residential Area, Phuoc Long B Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Address: 15B Thanh Nhan Street, Quynh Mai Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (Parking area in front of our store)

Hotline: (+84) 28 2253 5834

