7 Facts About Hydrogen Water

With the constant development of today’s water purification industry, you will be overwhelmed by the variety of drinking water to choose from and all of them promise to provide drinkers with the highest level of hydration. Hydrogen water is a new drink that has been added to the drinking water list in recent years, but it is a drink that is “a big fish in a little pond” in the markets of Japan, Korea, the United States, etc. What exactly is Hydrogen water? And what are the health benefits of Hydrogen water? The following article by Kim Long Phat will reveal to you 7 facts about Hydrogen water so that you can better understand this drink.

1. What is Hydrogen water?

To be able to understand what Hydrogen water is, first of all, it is necessary to understand what Hydrogen gas is. Hydrogen makes up 70% of the mass of the universe and is the lightest element. Hydrogen gas has the following properties: colorless, odorless, non-toxic. Hydrogen gas exists primarily as a gas and originates mainly in water and other sources such as coal, natural gasses and fossil fuels.

7 Sự Thật Về Nước Hydrogen
Nước uống giàu hydrogen

Hydrogen water is drinking water with a high concentration of hydrogen gas produced by the electrolysis of water. The electrolysis process helps to split water molecules (H2O) into H+ and OH- ions, the H+ ions combine with the electrons generated from the electrode to form Hydrogen gas. People in developed countries such as Japan, the United States, South Korea, etc. believe in using Hydrogen water as a health-promoting water.

2. 7 facts about hydrogen water

2.1. Is Drinking Hydrogen Water Really Good?

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The Use of Hydrogen

In 1931, Medical researcher Machisue Suwa conducted research on Hydrogen water on animals and plants. These studies are considered a major turning point in the process of proving the benefits of Hydrogen water.

Since 2007, Hydrogen gas has been studied for its strong antioxidant effect to help limit the formation of free radicals, maintaining a healthy body. Since then, there has been a “new trend” of Hydrogen drinking water until now. It is possible to drink Hydrogen water instead of normal filtered water without affecting health. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day (depending on your condition) to bring the best effect and help the body’s metabolic activities not be interrupted.

2.2. Are Hydrogen Water and Hydrogen Rich Alkaline Ionized Water the same or different?

Currently, many people are still confused between the two concepts of Hydrogen water and Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water. Indeed, it sounds similar but these are two different types of water. Hydrogen water and Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water are both popular drinks on the market, below will compare the similarities and basic differences between these two types of water:

  • How to make Hydrogen water and Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water

Hydrogen water is generated from a Hydrogen water generator, and Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water is generated from an alkaline ionized water purifier.

  • Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration

Hydrogen water and Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water are both drinking water with a natural dissolved hydrogen concentration gas, without the use of chemicals. However, Hydrogen water, also known as hydrogen-rich water, has a much higher dissolved hydrogen concentration gas than hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water.

Hydrogen Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water
Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration 1400 – 1520 ppb700-1300 ppb (depend on number of electrode plates)

Hydrogen water is created from modern electrolysis technology that allows the creation of water with a high dissolved hydrogen concentration.

  • pH :

The next difference between these two types of water is: the pH of the water formed.

+ Hydrogen water has a pH of 8 – 8.5 depending on the amount of water input. 

+ Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water has 3 pH levels 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 or strong alkaline level 11.5 depending on the needs of the user. 

  • Mineral content in water

The final difference is the content of minerals in the water. Since Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water can change the pH up to 9.5, the mineral content in Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water is higher than that of Hydrogen water.

7 Sự Thật Về Nước Hydrogen
ich in minerals 

However, with such a high mineral content, people with kidney disease should limit the use of Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water. Both types of water are water that brings many health benefits, depending on the purpose of use, you can choose for yourself a suitable type of water.

2.3. Hydrogen Water Prevents Free Radicals?

Free radicals or oxidants are formed when a molecule is missing an outer electron so they tend to “steal” other molecules to add electrons to themselves. Our body will be attacked by more than 10,000 free radicals every day. Therefore, if not prevented in time, it will lead to the formation of a series of new free radicals leading to cell dysfunction.

7 Sự Thật Về Nước Hydrogen
Công dụng của nước Hydrogen đối với sức khỏe

Hydrogen water is proven to be a strong antioxidant that limits the spread and eliminates free radicals from the body, bringing a healthy body, preventing and improving cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes… Research by the Department of Medical Research (Kyoto Graduate Institute) published in 2009 shows that Hydrogen water has the effect of slowing down the aging process and improving the instability of the body.

2.4. Can Hydrogen Water Improve Parkinson’s Disease?

Among neurological diseases, Parkinson’s disease is one of the diseases that are threatening our daily lives. People with Parkinson’s disease have difficulty in walking, movement, muscle movement, trembling limbs. Parkinson’s disease is usually seen in the average age of 58-60 years and tends to increase with age.

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Các triệu chứng của bệnh Parkinson

The cause of Parkinson’s disease is still quite obscure, but there are many studies indicating that aging is considered one of the causes of Parkinson’s disease. Especially in the elderly the aging process occurs faster.

A report by the Harvard School of Public Health (USA) and the Norwich Medical School (UK) has shown that men who eat a lot of foods rich in antioxidants have a 40% lower risk of Parkinson’s disease than those who eat less antioxidant foods. In 1987, Dexter DT et al reported that oxidative stress was involved in the development of Parkinson’s disease. As mentioned above, Hydrogen water is a strong antioxidant, so Hydrogen water helps to improve symptoms and slow down the development of Parkinson’s disease.

2.5. Hydrogen water improves metabolic syndrome.

Eliminating free radicals and controlling fat metabolism in the body are associated with diabetes control. Therefore, the use of Hydrogen water is considered a method to help support the treatment of diabetes.

In addition, in a study of 20 patients at risk for metabolic syndrome who consumed hydrogen-rich water for 10 weeks and found that total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels decreased and HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) significantly improved. It can be shown that the use of Hydrogen water improves the risk of metabolic syndrome.

2.6. Hydrogen water helps fight inflammation, reducing lung damage.

According to scientists in Pittsburgh, hydrogen supplementation has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce lung damage in critically ill patients who need a concentrated oxygen supply to be able to breathe more easily. Long-term use of concentrated oxygen can cause severe lung damage, more dangerously lead to respiratory failure.

Especially in the situation of the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic, the use of Hydrogen water has also been studied and shows that the use of Hydrogen water helps reduce lung damage caused by coronavirus, thereby preventing the disease from becoming worse.

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Nước Hydrogen giúp giảm tổn thương phổi

2.7. Hydrogen water helps reduce stress and fatigue

In 2017, Japanese scientists considered how hydrogen water improved mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life in 26 volunteers over a month-long period of time and conclude that “The use of Hydrogen water for 4 weeks improved mood, anxiety, and autonomic nervous function, suggesting that the use of Hydrogen water could be an effective method to improve quality of life and health.

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Nước Hydrogen hỗ trợ làm giảm căng thẳng, mệt mỏi

3. How to generate Hydrogen water?

Water electrolysis has become the main method for producing hydrogen-rich drinking water on a small scale. Lourdes Hydrofix Hydrogen Water & Gas Generator and BAMBI Portable Hydrogen Water Generator are two popular Hydrogen water generating products on the market today.

7 Sự Thật Về Nước Hydrogen
Các sản phẩm máy tạo nước Hydrogen

3.1. Lourdes Hydrofix Hydrogen Water & Gas Generator

Lourdes Hydrofix Hydrogen Water & Gas Generator: Super product combines 2 features in 1 product. 

+ The machine helps users to experience the Hydrogen water creation feature and the Hydrogen inhalation feature with a high dissolved Hydrogen concentration up to 1520 ppb and the generated Hydrogen gas with a purity of 99.995%. The maximum volume of Hydrogen water in one generation is 1.5L.

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Máy tạo nước và khí Hydro Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition

+ The machine uses modern non-contact electrical technology that separates water into H+ and OH- ions but retains the characteristics of water. 

+ In addition, the machine is also made of high-quality materials, and the display screen is clear. The machine is manufactured and assembled directly in Japan.

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Lourdes Hydrofix Superior Edition thiết kế tinh tế, gọn nhẹ.

BAMBI Portable Hydrogen Water Generator: Compact design, high performance.

+ A special feature of the BAMBI portable Hydrogen water generator is its compact design with a maximum amount of Hydrogen water in one creation of 200ml, but the dissolved Hydrogen concentration gas is as high as 14000 ppb.

+ Easy to use and convenient to take with you when going out, traveling or on business.

+ Using modern technology allows products to remove substances: oxygen gas, ozone gas, chlorine gas and impurities except hydrogen gas. 

+ Constructed from high-quality materials, the product is manufactured and assembled directly in Japan.

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Bình tạo nước Hydrogen cầm tay Bambi

Kim Long Phát hopes that the above article can help you better understand Hydrogen water. Thereby, if you have questions or concerns about Hydrogen-rich drinking water or Hydrogen water generators, please contact hotline: 0888 214 839 or visit website: kimlongphat.vn so that Kim Long Phat can answer all your questions. you most sincerely!

If you want to learn about Hydrogen water generators, please refer to the article: Why are Hydrogen water generators imported from Japan so expensive?

Please contact us for more details:


Distribution center for hydrogen-rich gas and water generators – Asia’s No.1 alkaline ionized water filter


Address: 220-228 Road III, Khang Dien Residential Area, Phuoc Long B Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Address: 15B Thanh Nhan Street, Quynh Mai Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (Parking area in front of our store)

Hotline: (+84) 28 2253 5834

Email: infokimlongphat@gmail.com

Website: kimlongphat.com.vn