5 reasons to drink Hydrogen-rich water every day

Drinking plenty of water every day helps improve the metabolism and also maintains healthy and vibrant skin. Therefore, choosing good drinking water is a concern for many people, especially in the current complex situation of Covid-19 pandemic.

Hydrogen water is known as the health water of the 21st century. It is also considered the “secret to health and beauty” by the people of Japan as well as many countries around the world.

So, what is Hydrogen water? And what are the benefits of Hydrogen water for health? Let’s explore “5 reasons why you should drink Hydrogen-rich water every day” with Kim Long Phat to better understand through the following article:

1. What is Hydrogen water?

Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table. It has a simple structure consisting of only one electron and one proton, which makes Hydrogen the lightest element and predominantly exists in the form of gas.

Hydrogen water or hydrogen-enriched water is a type of drinking water with a significantly higher concentration of dissolved hydrogen gas compared to regular drinking water. Hydrogen water is produced through the process of electrolysis of water. It has the potential to support the improvement of conditions such as diabetes, lung issues, gout, high blood pressure, and various other diseases caused by aging and oxidative stress in the body.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Công dụng của nước Hydro đối với sức khỏe

2.1. Hydrogen Water and Excellent Antioxidant Ability

Hydrogen water, or water rich in Hydrogen, is drinking water with a higher concentration of dissolved Hydrogen gas compared to regular drinking water. Hydrogen water is created through the process of electrolysis. Hydrogen water has the ability to support the improvement of conditions like diabetes, lung disease, gout, high blood pressure, and many other diseases caused by aging and oxidative processes in the body.

2.1. Hydrogen Water and Excellent Antioxidant Ability

Regular types of drinking water may have some antioxidant ability, but the effectiveness is not significant. Hydrogen water, on the other hand, is different. It has been proven to have a strong antioxidant ability, helping to eliminate harmful free radicals in the body.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Các thực phẩm giàu chất chống oxy hóa tốt cho sức khỏe

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Hydrogen gas is recognized as a food additive when used in drinking water or beverages and is considered safe for human health. Hydrogen gas is seen as a new antioxidant substance due to its ability to selectively eliminate strong oxidants such as hydroxyl radicals.

An imbalance in oxidation or aging processes can lead to chronic inflammation, resulting in various disorders including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes, neurodegenerative disorders, and even cancer. Therefore, preventing the development of aging processes is crucial for protecting and maintaining our healthy lives.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Nước giàu Hydro làm chậm quá trình lão hóa

Using hydrogen water is considered the best choice because of its safety, great effectiveness and it is important that hydrogen water does not affect health when used for a long time.

2.2. Reduction of Inflammation

Oxidative imbalance and inflammation are closely related. Supplementing antioxidants can reduce inflammatory reactions in healthy adults.

In a study conducted in 2012, participants consumed 0.5L of Hydrogen water per day for 4 weeks, resulting in improvements in symptoms for all patients with low-level joint inflammation and 20% experiencing no symptoms.

See details at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3563451/

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Uống 0,5L nước Hydro mỗi ngày giúp cải thiện các triệu chứng đối với bệnh nhân bị viêm khớp dạng thấp

Researchers in Pittsburgh also hypothesized that supplementing hydrogen could act as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation and mitigating lung damage in patients exposed to concentrated oxygen for extended periods.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Hít khí Hydro mỗi ngày giúp giảm tổn thương phổi

2.3. Improvement of Nervous System Disorders

The nervous system is a crucial control system of the body, responsible for all bodily functions. According to WHO statistics, millions of people worldwide suffer from various nervous system disorders. Common neurological disorders include stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and migraine headaches. These disorders significantly affect patients’ lives and activities.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Các bệnh về thần kinh thường gặp

Imbalance in oxidation is one of the main causes of neurological disorders. Supplementing antioxidants can reduce and improve the symptoms of these disorders. Hydrogen water is recommended by many experts for improving neurological health.

A Japanese study in 2008 reported that continuous consumption of Hydrogen water reduced oxidative stress in the brain and prevented decline due to stress during learning. Hydrogen water can be applied preventively for cognitive or other neurological disorders.

Another study showed that using Hydrogen water for 48 weeks improved symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Nước Hydro giúp cải thiện các bệnh về thần kinh

If you are interested in the use of hydrogen water for neurological diseases, please refer to the article Hydrogen Water Effects on Parkinson’s Disease

2.4. Hydrogen Water Supports Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a common chronic disease globally. People with diabetes have higher blood glucose levels than normal individuals. The main cause of diabetes is the deficiency or decreased sensitivity of insulin in the body, leading to disrupted blood glucose metabolism.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Các biểu hiện và tác hại của bệnh tiểu đường

In a report from 2008, drinking 900ml of Hydrogen water per day for 8 weeks reduced cholesterol and improved glucose absorption and insulin resistance in a study of 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.

Drinking enough water daily is beneficial for people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Insufficient water intake contributes to increased blood sugar levels.

2.5. Hydrogen Water Improves Digestive Disorders

Stomach pain is a common ailment at any age, especially among young people due to busy lifestyles, imbalanced eating habits, stress, and tension.

Hydrogen water can protect healthy individuals from oxidative stress-induced stomach damage. Additionally, Hydrogen water helps soothe stomach damage in patients regularly using pain relievers and antibiotics.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Nước Hydro giúp cải thiện sức khỏe đường ruột

Combining Hydrogen water intake with a healthy lifestyle, eating on time, stress reduction, can help people avoid symptoms of stomach pain and other digestive disorders.

3. How to Produce Hydrogen Water?

Creating Hydrogen water at home has become easier thanks to modern Hydrogen water generation technology. The Lourdes Hydrofix Hydrogen water generator and the handheld BAMBI Hydrogen water bottle are two Hydrogen-rich water products from Japan.

5 Lý Do Vì Sao Nên Uống Nước Giàu Hydrogen Mỗi Ngày
Máy tạo nước Hydro tạo nước uống tốt cho sức khỏe

Both products use modern electrolysis technology to produce drinking water with a high Hydrogen concentration of up to 1520 ppb. The devices are made from top-grade materials from Japan.

Especially, with an extremely compact design, they are easy to carry when going on trips, outings, or business trips.

If you are interested in Hydrogen water generators, you can find more information in the article “Hydrogen Water Generators and What You Need to Know.”

With many years of experience in the field of drinking water, Kim Long Phat confidently stands as the leading distributor of Hydrogen water generators in Vietnam. Kim Long Phat commits to providing customers with genuine, 100% imported products.

Moreover, when you purchase from Kim Long Phat, you will enjoy attractive and advantageous policies:

  • Competitive prices nationwide – Putting customer benefits first.
  • Clear warranty and maintenance policies.
  • 300% refund for counterfeit or fake products.
  • 0% installment support – Fast approval, secure.
  • Free delivery within the city.
  • Professional installation and design services.

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